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Terms & Conditions


Please take time to read and understand the Terms and Conditions​ of booking set out below prior to booking an event with us. We strongly recommend that you also read the event notes relating to your Event prior to booking so that you understand the itinerary, style and physical demands of the Event you are undertaking. 

1) Our Contract
All bookings are made with TGE Travels (us/we). By making a booking, the participant (you) is deemed to have agreed to these terms and conditions on behalf of all individuals included in the booking. The details of the event services to be provided are those given in the event notes. No alterations or variations to these terms and conditions are in effect unless made in writing by and under the authority of TGE Travels.

2) Pricing
a) Prices and exchange rates —​ Prices are correct at the time of quoting, converted at the prevailing foreign exchange rate as set by TGE Travels. The rate will float on a daily basis in line with international currency movements.
b) Per person — ​All prices listed are on a per participant basis unless otherwise stated.
c) Inclusions — ​Prices include all inclusions as indicated in the Event description on TGE Travels
– All accommodation as listed in the event description
– The services of a group leader as described in the event description
– Sightseeing and meals as listed in the event description
d) Exclusions — ​Prices do not include:
– Tips and gratuities — If you are happy with the services provided by your local guides and drivers, a tip — though not compulsory — is appropriate. While it may not be customary to you, it is of great significance to the people who will take care of the event. Please consider this when budgeting for your extra expenses.
– Items of a personal nature — These may include snacks, meals, and drinks not outlined as an inclusion in the inclusions section of the event description.
– Baggage and personal insurance — It is highly recommended that each participant obtain adequate insurance for themselves
– Local taxes and fees — Unless otherwise stated, the price does not include any local taxes or fees, including foreign departure, security, port charges, park fees, customs.
– Immigration, agricultural, passenger-facility charges, or international transportation tax.
– International,internal flights or trains unless specified
– Airport transfers, taxes and excess baggage charges unless specified
– Meals other than those specified in the Event Notes
– Visa and passport fees
– Travel insurance
– Optional activities and all personal expenses

3) Acceptance of Booking & Final payments
In order for us to confirm your arrangements you must provide all requested details with the balance of the event price. Necessary details may include full name as per passport, date of birth, nationality, passport number, and any pre-existing medical conditions you have which may affect your ability to complete event. On some more demanding events we also require you to complete and forward a Self-Assessment form. Your booking cannot be confirmed without provision of these details. Full payment is required for confirmation of the Event. If we accept your booking, we will issue a confirmation mail

4) Cancellations/No-shows and Amendments to bookings
a. Cancellations by the participant
If, due to any circumstances, you cancel some or all parts of your booking, cancellation fees will apply as per the policy specific to the event of your participation. A cancellation will be effective when we receive written confirmation of the cancellation or no show at the event. Please note that any claim for refund will be entertained only within the purview of cancellation policy and on written request from the participants. Cancellation fees – Cancellation fees will apply to any cancellations by the participant for a service provided by TGE Travels. Cancellation conditions are event specific and can vary depending upon the service rendered by TGE Travels. There may be some additional charges that may occur due to cancellation such as third party cancellation charges, which will be advised by your trek lead or coordinator and has to be paid to TGE Travels over and above the standard cancellation amount. If you leave an event due to any reason after it has commenced, no refund will be made for unused services. If you fail to join an event, join it after departure, or leave it prior to its completion, no refund will be made.
b. Cancellations by TGE Travels
We may cancel an event at any time prior to departure if, due to terrorism, natural disasters, political instability, or other external factors it is not viable for us to operate the planned itinerary. If we cancel your event, you can utilise the amount paid minus all non transferable and non refundable costs, to an alternate departure date, another event or alternatively, receive a refund for balance amount. For all cancellations made during the course of the event due due to terrorism, natural disasters, political instability, or other external events not within our control, we will refund the the amount minus all costs incurred, non transferable charges and non refundable charges In circumstances where the cancellation is due to external events outside our reasonable control, refunds will be less any unrecoverable costs. We are not responsible for any incidental expenses you may have incurred as a result of your booking, including but not limited to visas, vaccinations, travel insurance, non-refundable flights or accidents. Please note that the non refundable amount is event specific. Amendments to bookings by the participant If a participant wishes to amend an existing booking, the original booking must be cancelled and a new booking must be made. Prices applying to the new booking will be the price at the time the new booking is made. Cancellation charges may apply (refer to Cancellations by the participant).
c. Amendments to itineraries by Great Escape
While we endeavor to operate all events as described, we reserve the right to change the event itinerary. The itinerary provided for each of TGE Travels event is representative of the activities planned; however, the route, amenities, stops, and modes of transport may be subject to change without prior notice due to local circumstances or events. If we make a major change before departure, we will inform you as soon as reasonably possible. We reserve the right to change an itinerary after departure due to local circumstances or events outside our control. Please note we are not responsible for any incidental expenses that may be incurred as a result of the change of itinerary such as visas, vaccinations or non-refundable flights.

5) Unsuitability of Participant
If we consider the participant unsuitable for an event or causes inconvenience or annoyance to other passengers, we may decline such participant’s booking or not take him further. This includes the physical, mental or medical inability of the client to undertake the arrangements made for their event.

6) Participants Responsibility
Before making your booking we advise you check advice issued by your local government in relation to your preferred destination by accessing their website to check if there are any travel warnings in place. It is important that you check your details itemized on your confirmation invoice and notify us if the information is incorrect immediately.

7) Acceptance of Risk
You acknowledge that your event may involve a degree of personal risk. You may be visiting places where the political, cultural, and geographical attributes present dangers and physical challenges greater than those present in your daily life. TGE Travels shall not be liable for any injury or accidents met by the the participant. TGE Travels shall not be liable for the death of the participant.

8) Age and Health Requirements
a. Age requirements​ — All participants under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a legal guardian, or in lieu of a legal guardian, by an escort over the age of 18, appointed by their legal guardian. The legal guardian or their designee will be responsible for the participant under the age of 18. The minimum age requirements may vary with Events.
Health requirements​ — Our events can be physically demanding and participants must ensure that they are suitably fit to allow participation. We are able to provide details on mandatory health requirements; however, we are not medical experts. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are physically fit to participate. All our events specify a physical rating, which is to be used as a guideline for gauging whether an event is appropriate for your fitness level.

9) Passports, Identity Card and Visas
While traveling domestically a proof of identification, either a passport or ID card is required. For all international Events, participants must carry a valid passport and have obtained the appropriate visas when travelling with TGE Travels. Please ensure your passport is valid for 6 months beyond the duration of the event. It is the participant’s responsibility to ensure that you are in possession of the correct visas for your holiday. TGE Travels cannot accept responsibility if you are refused entry to a country because you lack the correct visa documentation.

10) Flexibility
Participants shall appreciate and acknowledge that the nature of this type of events requires considerable flexibility and you should allow for alternatives. The itinerary provided for each event is representative of the types of activities contemplated, but it is understood that the route, schedules, itineraries, amenities and mode of transport may be subject to alteration without prior notice due to local circumstances or events.

11) Authority on Event
Our group events are run by a group leader. The decision of the group leader is final on all matters likely to affect the safety or well-being of any person participating in the event. If you fail to comply with a decision made by a group leader, or interfere with the well-being or mobility of the group, the group leader may direct you to leave the Event immediately, with no right of refund. We may also elect not to carry you on any future Events booked. Participant must at all times comply with the laws, customs, foreign exchange and drug regulations of all countries visited, and you also agree to travel in accordance with our responsible travel guidelines.

12) Optional Activities
Optional activities not included in the Event price do not form part of the Event or this contract. You accept that any assistance given by your group leader or local representative in arranging optional activities does not render us liable for them in any way. The contract for the provision of that activity will be between you and activity provider.

13) Photos and Marketing
You consent to us using images of you taken during the Event for advertising and promotional purposes in any medium we choose. You grant us a perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide, irrevocable license to use such images for publicity and promotional purposes.

14) Terms of Use
a. By participating in TGE Travels events, the participant agrees to be bound by the conditions outlined in these terms and conditions.
b. By engaging with TGE Travels, the participant agrees to do so for lawful purposes only.
c. When engaging with TGE Travels, the participant agrees to do so for personal purposes and not for their own personal commercial gain and will not enter into or provide fraudulent requests or information to us.

15) Privacy Policy
Any personal information that we collect about you may be used for any purpose associated with the operation of TGE Travels or to send your marketing material in relation to our events and special offers. The information may be disclosed to our service providers, or other suppliers to enable us to operate your Event. We will otherwise treat your details in accordance with the privacy policy.

16) Conduct and Behavior
Participants are to maintain socially acceptable behavior. We are a mixed group of individuals of all ages, be nice to youngsters and respect the elders. Drinking is strictly prohibited for the entire duration of the event, Participants flouting this rule will be asked to leave the event immediately. Smoking, Weed and Drugs are banned in all TGE Travels Escape’s event.

17) Force Majeure
TGE Travels as shall not be liable for unsatisfactory weather conditions or other factors outside the company’s control. TGE Travels is fully entitled to cancel the booking if any of these faults should occur.

18) Disclaimers and Limitations of Liability
a. TGE Travels shall not be liable for injury, damage, loss, accident, delay, or irregularity, liability, or expense to person or property.
b. TGE Travels accept no responsibility for any sickness, acts of crime, labor disputes, governmental actions, acts of war and/or terrorism, weather conditions, defect in any vehicle of transportation, or for any misadventure or casualty or any other causes beyond their control.
c. TGE Travels maintains information that is accurate to the best of our knowledge.
d. TGE Travels will not accept responsibility or liability for any participant who contravenes any law or regulation of any country visited.

19) Severability
In the event that any term or condition contained in this contract is unenforceable or void by operation of law or as being against public policy or for any other reason than such term or condition shall be deemed to be severed from this contract or amended accordingly only to such extent necessary to allow all remaining terms and conditions to survive and continue as binding.

20) Complaints
Should you have a complaint, we urge you to discuss this at the time with the group leader. If satisfaction is not reached through these means and you wish to complain further, please contact TGE Travels in writing within 30 days of travel. Complaints received outside this timeframe will not be considered.

21) Updating of Terms and Conditions
TGE Travels reserves the right to update and/or alter these terms and conditions at any time.Introduction Please take time to read and understand the Terms and Conditions​ of booking set out below prior to booking an event with us. We strongly recommend that you also read the event notes relating to your Event prior to booking so that you understand the itinerary, style and physical demands of the Event you are undertaking.
